Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The day J purposely misspelled something...

So this font is apparently called Georgia... rather ironic.

Yeah yeah yeah... I know there's no "j" at the beginning of Georgia, as the title of the blog might indicate, but I was going for cute points there, so bear with me.

If you're unfamiliar with my (VERY QUICKLYYYYYYY) approaching summer plans, allow me to briefly recap. I intend to keep some semblance of anonymity here, so if you want a writing address and stuff, comment and I'll email you or something more private like that.

OKAY! So, you've probably figured out by now that Georgia has something to do with my summer (or should that be the other way around...?) Anyways, I've been hired as a barn manager for a hunter/jumper show and lesson barn near Atlanta. If you want the full story as to how I managed that, remind me in a comment and I'll do a blog post about it sometime... maybe. I will be at this barn all summer, until early August, when I must return to my hometown in Indiana and start my student teaching (more excitement!). Many of you know that I fully intend to run my own barn someday, so I'm very hopeful for this summer as a chance for me to acquire a business role model, great horse people connections and relationships, and also a time to expand the skills I currently have.

I will TRYTRYTRY to have as many pictures as possible for the visually curious. Since I'm the one doing a lot of the work and riding, I may not always be able to have another body around to snap some for me, so please be patient with me on that front. I'm hoping to have the chance to show a bit as well, so hopefully some pictures will come out of that should it happen.

I leave this Thursday, and I hope to blog as often as I can, especially when I have stories to tell (and I'm sure there will be some!). Please be praying for me to have strength and courage, since this is truly a "leapt before I looked" opportunity for me. I will be away from my family and boyfriend all summer, so please keep them in your prayers for strength and patience. If you happen to be a "random reader" and don't pray, you should try it someday ;)

Comments are welcomed, as well as constructive criticism, as this will definitely be a period of learning for me. Later!


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