Sunday, June 29, 2008

Jacquelyn of All Trades

J.A.T... that needs to be my new nickname.

I am a zookeeper. I've been keeping an eye on a nest full of five baby sparrows, but thankfully none have fallen out yet. I have a barn full of twelve horses, and thankfully, none of THEM either are out... yet. And now, I have a baby blue bird sitting on my bed in a brand new critter keeper.

My boss walked into the barn earlier. "Hey Jenn... remember how you said you've rescued birds before?"

Ho boy. I laughed and grabbed up a towel. I'm guessing this bird is at least 10 days old and got too adventurous for his nest. Even though I replaced him twice, little Suicide hopped right back out the other side, only to fall on his beak. He's not too sure about the mealworms yet, so we'll be trying a little cat food soon.

I am also a stall scrubber. Think about what horses can do against a stall wall that leaves stains... yeah, no more on that.

I am she-who-rigs-pliers-on-a-rope, and girl-who-finds-lost-gallon-of-bleach.

Yife, what a day. We're supposed to get a lot of rain soon (Thank you, God!). We need it so very badly; the pastures are starting to get crunchy.

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