Wednesday, June 18, 2008

In This Episode of As the Barn Turns...

  • Reggie discovers girls... one girl, in particular, and also pulls a bungee cord one too many times...
  • Rosie returns to the "wild"...
  • Jenn encounters medicine of the slung-from-a-horse-mouth-at-high-speed kind...
  • Red the horse and Paco the dog have an intent heart to heart, and face to face...

Hehe, okay... the bungee cord one definitely deserves an explanation. Reggie, being the trickster he is, loves to try to escape his stall. Therefore, he has a bolt latch, a chain and two bungee cords on the bolt latch to slow him down a little. Throughout the course of the day, he manages to peel the various devices from the door, which are replaced (by me).

Well... Reggie got snapped in the nose by a bungee cord. I was actually happy to hear my boss say that Reggie had a bloody nose; I knew what it was from instantly. Sure enough, there was a loose bungee cord with a little piece of horse-nose flesh on it, and Reggie was in the corner of his stall pouting. After this, I led him out into the aisle to brush him. He glanced across the aisle to another stall, and there was...

**ROSIE!** (cue the butterflies and music) His head and ears snapped up and forward instantly, and he started dancing in the aisle, Heeeeeey cutie! Well, fate happened to put the two of them in adjoining paddocks for the night, and the lovebirds were last seen kissing through the fence (and very carefully avoiding the hot tape...) Much to Reggie's disappointment, Rosie's medicating period had ended, and therefore, she rejoined her buddies in the back pasture. But I'm sure they will see each other once in a while...

The high speed medicine requires no explanation.

And Paco got lively today and decided to go horse chasing. Red thought that was a lovely idea (NOT!) and promptly escorted the dog under the fence (at very high speed).

Oh, the animals...

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